Palin - McCain

He graduated at the top of his class in Harvard Law. So, he was the #1 guy in the #1 program in the country. I'm sure I'll hear about how that makes him a lawyer and blah blah blah, but since this is supposed to be about merit, being the top of the top is impressive to me. He was elected as the president of the Harvard Law Review by his fellow students.
And that qualifies him for Preseident how?

I read his book. More than anything, it shows the methodology he uses to solve problems. It's impressive. He gets how I think things are supposed to work. Every time he would outline an issue, I'd think "Here we go with the standard Dem claptrap.." and then he would outline how he looks at it differently, or provide information to make me look at it differently. He was actually able to change my mind about a couple of issues.
I guess he failed to mention that all those efforts were made while working for Acorn, and phony front group who's entire mission was regestering new Democrat voters by any means possible? A group that has been repeately caught registering people multiple times, registering illegal aliens, felons, deceased people, and others inelegible to vote. How did you like his comment "If the political winds blow in an ugly direction I will stand shoulder-to-shoulder wuth the Muslims"?

He quickly created an organization that defeated the Clintons in a protracted battle on their own turf. That's impressive to me.
No, the media swept him to victory by completely covering his butt and making him out to be the second coming. In almost 2 years they have not asked a single question about his good friend, the man whose home Obama's political career was launched in, terrorist Willaim Ayres. They never mentioned his "mentor", the despicable racist Rev. Wright until talk radio got it into the open. They never mention his connection to convicted influence-peddler Tony Rezko and the VERY questionable loan he arranged to help Obama get his multi million dollar home. Hmmmm.

He taught constitutional law at the university of Chicago, which is one of the best programs in the country.
No, that is a lie. He was a senior lecturer on leave.

I think that the amount of time Obama has spent in Washington is an advantage. If its such a cesspool, why is it an advantage to have spent your whole life soaking in it?
And one of the only even more nortoriously politically corrupt places in the country? Chicago.

Between his meteoric rise and the fact that most of his money comes from individuals rather than organizations, he can do things that others can't. He isn't owned. He doesn't owe anybody.
You do not actually believe this do you? Ever heard of George Soros?

Because he is african-american, he can and does say that African-Americans are going to have to solve their problems themselves.
Oh really? Ask Bill Cosby and other black leaders who are not in lock-step what they think about that.

To donate money to Obama you have to certify that you are not giving money from a PAC, and that you are not a federal lobbyist or foreign agent. McCain does not have these requirements.
HAHAHA. Both campaigns have the same requirements. If his campaign was Soooo careful, how did the illegal contributions from Hamas get through? You know, the ones that they calaimed to have given back after the whole thing became public even though they hadn't? How did his campaign "accidently" misuse tax-exempt Church resources?