Palin - McCain

Nice debating skills. To answer your question, I have read it. It is the single most Un-America piece of legislation since Manzanar.
Man your knowledge of legislative history and Constitutional law is weak.

There is not enough oil under American soil or control to approach anything like independence. Even if we let them drill the Grand Canyon like James Watt wanted to, we wouldn't even have 1/3rd of the oil we use.
I don't know where you get your information but that is not even clsoe to true based on U.S.G.S. and Oil company data. No one thinks that drilling is going to cure all of our problems but it is without question the fastest and easiest route to lower prices, not only for gas, but for everything that has skyrocketed because of the price of fuel. I guess that like Obama, you think that if it isn't a perfect solution we should just keep doing nothing but talking about solutions that are 10 or more years in the future.

Is Clinton running for office? Is he currently in office? What is the relevance of this statement. Do you have ANY evidence or documentation to support these claims?
What is the relevence? Are you kidding? 9/11 happens only months after Bush takes office and you think it is his fault and had nothing to do with the decimated intelligence community he inherited from Clinton? Amazing. You need proof? Are you young enough that you were not paying attenion during the 90's? Just look at the Congressional Record for the debates about Clinton's plan to cut $7.5 billion from the intelligence budget, especially the comments of Porter Goss who said among other things, that President Clinton rarely, if ever, met with intelligence officials and was not "particularly engaged" on the subject. Look to George Tenet's testimony where he described the budget situation when he became CIA director during Clinton’s presidency, as a disaster. Look to the comments of Democrat and Director of Central Intelligence under Clinton R. James Woolsey who said that Clinton's intelligence cuts would be "a disaster". Guess what? THEY WERE.

Evidence? Just because Rush says it happened doesn't make it so.
But if and the MSM say so it does?

The democrats are like that? Are you kidding? The term circular firing squad was originally used to describe the Democrats.
HAHAHA. You must be kidding. You obviously don't remember what the Democrats did to Lieberman. Oh, sure you do. You called him "turncoat". Cite one example of the Repulicans doing something like that to even one of their ranks who didn't agree with them. Hell, one of the worst offenders is now their nominee!