Palin - McCain

In addition that this has nothing to do with what I said, Obama said that the United States would stand "shoulder-to-shoulder with Israel."
Nothing to do with it? You said you read his book. I asked if you liked a statement in it. Seems pretty relevent to me. Wow. Captain obvious made a statement about the U.S. position but said nothing about supporting it and has said much in opposition to it, not to mention his ties to one of the world's premiere anti-semites, Louis Farrakhan.

Nope, that's a lie. Lets see what the university has to say about it....
Lets see. You think it is a lie that he was a senior lecturer on leave and submit this as proof. Wow. They say he was a senior lecturer, and describe that position as one for those who spend so much of their time off on leave doing other things that they can not be regular faculty. That is different.

Obama was not the "Party boy" when he was originally elected, and his move to the Senate was because the Machine wanted to be rid of him and didn't think he would be elected. I live in Illinois. Chicago sucks, but they don't have their hands on him.
Do you work for Obama? That is hilarious. He learned politics from the very people you claim wanted to get rid of him. Hell, they groomed him for the move and for bigger things in today's democrat party. You don't think anyone remembers the huge media hooplah over his election to the Senate, which was nothing special at all? This has been the plan all along.

All right. You must work for Obama. You actually believe that a little checkbox on the webpage that was put there after they got caught accepting contributions from a terrorist organization actually means anything? They put that there as a pathetic attempt to fool people into thinking they were really scrutinizing contributors and to give themselves the ability to say "duh, we didn't know, they said they were OK" the next time they get caught. After all, accepting illegal campaign contributions from America's enemies has been a democrat tradition since the 1990s. Both campaigns have exactly the same requirements for identifying and reporting contributions and sources of contributions and you can bet they both only do, at most, what is necessary.