Palin - McCain

So what do they have? Opinions or facts? I can safely say that in fact, talk radio is not required to defend their positions with facts. I'd really like to hear why you think that.
Are you kidding? When you are in an interactive medium like talk radio you have to be able to defend your comments or callers will hammer you and you will be embarrassed off the air like every liberal talk show host from Cuomo to Franken.

I said "public airwaves". That includes talk radio and television. the "Mainstream Media" is not required to be unbiased. That's what the fairness doctrine was supposed to do
Man you are amazing. The entire basis of journalism is supposed to be presenting the news in a totally un-biased, factual way. Today's media has completely abandoned those values in favor of being the democrat's propaganda ministry and they don't even try to hide it anymore. Just look at their viscious attacks on Palin's family, going so far as to say she was an idiot for not murdering her baby when they found out he would have down's syndrome, starting immediately after her appearance but their complete lack of coverage of Biden's brother and son being indicted for a multi million dollar investment scam. My GOD, the examples are endless. That is just the most recent one. What the laughably titled "fairness doctrine" was supposed to do was silence one side of the debate and restore the leftist media monopoly on shaping public opinion.

Between Clear Channel, Rush and Fox news, I'd say the other side of the story is pretty mainstream, wouldn't you?
You expose yourself as a moveon robot. Clear Channel has SCORES of holdings across the spectrum. Rush has his huge following, not only because he tells the other side of the story, but because he is a very effective entertainer. Fox News? Wow. Finally there is one channel on cable, and still none on regular TV, that is willing to tell both sides so now things are even? hilarious.