Palin - McCain

Hey LXguy, and his brethren;

You are very perceptive as to the political leanings here. This place is overgrown with bitter, gun toting religionists. It's full of people that hold in contempt those that think our hobby and passions are wasteful at best.

I would rather be governed by the first 100 names of any phone book then by Obama and 99 of his fellow Harvard travelers.

You say he has changed your mind on a couple of things. Get used to it, because he can't seem to make up his own.

He beat the Clinton's. So what.

Obama, and the left wing of the Democratic Party--the wing that has anointed and sustained him thus far--don't much care for people like us. They are socialists, no matter their color, gender, sexual orientation, country of origin, transthisorthatness......whatever.

We here, by and large, are not.

Discover the difference. Give Liberty a Chance.

Life Liberty and the PURSUIT of MOPARS