Obama - Biden

OK, 10 responses and about 1 1/2 gave a reasonable answer. Are we all voting for something or against something?

chryslerfat, do we need any republicans? I see many of them going off to jail too>
SleeperScamp, I want to agree with you, but I think Lou is pretty opportunistic also - like most politicians
Small Block, you're the 1/2. Your response conjures up visons of 1963 and all sorts of conspiracy theorys
mgunner, see my question above
orangecrush, thanks for your answer. I asked, you gave
Machined, at the top spot yes. I can't say if we were to look at all of the Dem pols in congress
rj72cda, they are all going to tax us. Do you know of any place in the world were some sort of "tax" isn't collected? I dare say that you are the receipiant of much gov't tax benefits, a lot that you may not even be aware of. But that's for another topic on another day...

I'm not taking sides, just wondering if that's the best we can do. I have voted "against" in many elections, usually with disappointing results. I think both parties have served up something less than their best. What a shame, although I am sure that Obama and McCain would both disagree with me.