Palin - McCain

I'm not very much in the political side of America but, I find it so hard to believe that we have a candidate that won't place his hand on a Bible to swear, won't wear an American flag on his lapel, has been watched by millions not putting his hand across his heart during our Nation Anthem. What kind of person are we asking to run this country? A person that has none of the values that we USED to hold close to our own hearts? Diversity was supposedto be a great thing we have in this country. I think it has actually caused this great nation to have no sense of direction and purpose. We need to really think long and hard about what we want our country to stand for. I know it used to be Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It seems it's not so simple anymore. We have so many high placed people trying to push their own beliefs and agenda's that it has just ruined this country. Why do people think they deserve any kind of recognition by the Government because they are different? I just don't understand it anymore. Everyone starts pointing fingers at election time about what party is responsible for the state the nation is in. I'm fed up just as much as the next guy. I just find it so funny that both parties have been there the whole time and they have ALL let everything happen. I really don't believe there are very many politicions in Washington that even care about the the people and quality of life we lead. They are there to see just how damn rich they can make themselves and their select few friends. We have Troops loosing their lives every day for our Freedom and it seems like no one gives a real ****. Sorry if I offended any one and for ranting so much but, It is just so depressing to see where we came from and where we are now as a country.
Wow. With all of the new information about him I had forgotten about all of those basic transgressions. He also removed the American flag from his plane and replaced it with his self-designed Presidential seal. What do you expect when the man he calls his "mentor" goes around screaming "Not God bless America, God damn America!