Eddy heads. Can I/Should i...?

The wierd thing about the low comp 318 race car, was that the "thrown together" motor wasn't that much slower than the guys 360 race motor had been...I didn't know the guy, just yakked with him at a race, but it was interesting how fast that 318 was. I don't know how scienced out his previous combination was...
It amazes me how some guys put a combination together that sounds like it really ought to work, but doesn't...there was a guy at my track that had a 70 Duster, 12.5-1 compression 340, W2's, 4500 stall 9" converter, 4.56 gear, slicks etc. It looked like a well set up car, sonded good....and was running about 12.0 et's.....10 seconds worth of parts in a 12 second car! makes you wonder how it went so wrong!
Sorry for rambling, use your money wisely as you see fit!

Sounds like a case if it's not fast enough, throw more motor at it.

There is SO MUCH free ET in the suspension it will make your head spin. I have a theory = Overchassis and undermotor.

There are some cars that run around here that were 11.70 cars and as they got scienced out, are now running 10.50-10.60's with no internal engine changes. Some vertor swaps, suspension work, etc. Sometimes to get it right isn't cheap.