
I don't get the argument over the theory myself. It would just be a simple mater of calculating mileage before and after to prove if this invention works. Period.

The biggest trouble is coming up with a good, consistant way to test mileage. My car's mileage seems to bounce around by a good 3-4 mpg between tanks, and my motorcycle has been known to get 10 mpg more in the summer than in the winter.

There have been a lot of people claiming that some patently absurd things (magnets on the fuel line or a spool of wire placed over the negative terminal of the battery, for example) get them better mileage. That's why I have been challenging proponents to try a more rigorous test. A dyno test can yield more repeatable results, and it's possible to conduct the test in a uniform way that isn't affected by driving technique.

I know I may have seemed a bit too abraisive and confrontational with my last post, but my offer to hook up anyone who has a HHO system and would like some more precise testing in the Atlanta area with a dyno test still stands. I get enough people asking about these at work that I'd like to do some testing and have some results, either positive or negative, that I can point them to.