Shipping to Canada

I purchased several items through EBay while restoring my car. US Postal has a handling fee of $5.00 to have a package cross the border. All packages are charged Duty (taxes).

If you ship by air there are no Duties or handling fees. However it is more expensive so you need to compare costs. Why do they not charge fees or duties at the airports? I don't know but believe the airports are busy enough with people so the customs doesn't spend time on handling packages other than scanning for drugs. Plus the package sizes are smaller.

UPS and Fedex charge astounding fees for brokerage if you do not have an account with them. Example - I bought a 340 4 speed flywheel for $100. I paid $36 shipping when it left Texas. I then paid another $32 when it arrived plus the Duty (taxes). Total ripoff! US Postal Service fee would have been $5 plus Duty.

By the way if purchasing through EBay ask the seller if they are willing to ship USPS and most will because they are not aware of what we Canadians go through on border costs. Happy Shopping!