Obama - Biden

few Facts
The top 1% of income earners pay 39% of all federal taxes. The top 25% of income earners pay 87% of all federal taxes. The top 50% of income earners pay 97% of all federal taxes.

When I live in Cal 10 years ago was born there, could not take state went to crap after 1st 40 years of my life.

89% of taxes were paid in Cal by 19% of the people. I grossed $128k and under the Slick Willy tax plan and marriage penalty, 11% Cal tax, State Dis, Medicare, Medical, FICA, and other taxes my take home was about 72k.. Great huh!

So moral of the story is why the hell go to school, get a good degree, good paying job etc and bust your ***. Just be a Dumb *** (as Red says) and let somebody else pay for your life right?

Yep take from the non lazy people and give to the lazy that is the way left agenda.. Easy for them to pull off too, many people suck at math so they distort the numbers a little, take stuff out of context and there ya go...

Yeah Cal used to be fine, had excess $$ every year, hell we used to get extra rebates cause they collected to much $$. Schools were about best in US etc, roads great, less BS laws etc. People that live there are so unfortunately brain washed and do not even realize how many rights have been taking away. Well now that Boxer and Frankenstein took over, the they owe more than 6 western states budgets combined. Roads suck, schools suck, crime is highest in US, laws are a joke, prisons’ are full, oh and all their great smog restrictions still cause the crapest air in the US! Oh then there is the Illegal’s. jeze do even go three, that is millions of more people getting a free ride, but hell you got an LA Mayor that lets the schools fly a Mexican flag on top of the US flag on Cinco de Mayo. Sound so great maybe it should have even more people in the US move there huh?

Hell just keep voting for them, soon China will own Cal 100% too!

So I moved to about the coldest dam state, no state tax, no inventory tax, no business tax, low property tax, only 4% sales tax. Oh and this state has more money in the black than any state in the US and I make more money and keep more of what I make. Get my own health care and less BS etc thank you very much. More freedom feels like I am back in the US again.

Think About It!