Obama - Biden

Here's a couple of my reasons why I have decided that McCain/Pallin is going to be the ticket that I punch:

1 - John McCain clearly showed the type leadership and judgement that a Commander in Chief needs when he put the needs of the Country ahead of his desire to get elected by pushing for more troops in Iraq - now commonly known as "The Surge."

2 - His life story leads me to believe that he truly does put his Country First. There are many men that were prisoners of war thoughout the Vietnam Era but I don't know if any others were offered the deal he was by the enemy and turned it down.

3 - I believe his VP choice is in fact as qualified, if not more qualified, than the top of the other ticket.

4 - I believe that John McCain is serious about cutting the wasteful spending in Congress and using the power of the Veto whenever he sees a bloated porked up bill come across the desk in the Oval Office.

5 - John McCain showed the type of diplomacy and leadership that exemplifies everything that we want/need in the leader of our country by being the one to push for normalization of relationships with North Vietnam, despite the fact that if ANYONE should hold a grudge against them, it was him.

6 - He's more than a community organizer, he a Leader of Men (and Women).

BTW - I would like you to know that I was not 100% sold on Mr. McCain until this past week. I watched a lot of both conventions and saw that the one with the most substance and that better reflected my views was the RNC and their candidates.
Number two is my reason also,I want my vote to be for someone I can respect. not someone who refers to me as whitey.