Glass is IN !!!

Yup, my Buddy Tom came over and we had it done in about 2 hours for the front and rear. The windshield was a piece of cake.... that back window was a pain. But regardless, it's DONE.

A little sealant....

Start from the bottom getting the windshield to seat....

Work your way up the sides....

Tuck in the top and your done. Just like that.

The back glass was giving us a hard time, but we got it installed.

Tom's my Boy.... He's always willing to dive in and help me. Today was a great day.... we got both windows in without a single moment of kaos. No scratches,dents,or screw-up's. Installing the windows was way easy. No way did I think it would just drop in like that. And to think I almost handed the glazier $$$$ yesterday to do this!

And of course, he's a short video of me actually DRIVING it. Granted it was a short drive....