Dart Wagon, finally move'in forward!!

turbodart said
nice car, always liked wagons. color is nice too.

please speak english though, and not this jibberish stuff your typing, makes you look like a 14 year old drop out.

Juss what doez a 14 yeer old drop out look like???....I alwayz said when I got outta skool, I would talk, an spell az I damm well pleezed, kuz I HATED English class...I'm 52 yeerz old, an I purdy much have got my point across wit out have'in ta show wher I stuck an adjitive, or leff out a noun, or put too many pro-nounz...So, thankz fer tha kind words about my ole wagon, but az fer my jibberish, I'm too ole ta be skolded about tha way I been talk'in fer tha lass 40 yeerz!!!!

U have a nice day, an will refrane from use'in so many ov them proverbial, nownish type adjitivez...REX