Flying Valiant Project

I finally got my 64 Valiant back after several years of if languishing away at my parent's house. It's getting an air conditioning system put in it now to make it a little more comfortable to drive. It's just one of a long list of modifications that need to be done. When it is done, though, I'm hoping to have a fun street car with just a little zip to it. Here's what is going on so far. This was originally posted over at, but I thought I'd share it here as well.

I'm looking forward to getting the Valiant back with it's new air, but at least the project is off the ground and going again.

Speaking of off the ground, my dad had some suspension work done to it while it was in his possession. The car is now about five or six inches higher than it was last I saw it with a slight rake to it. The look is growing on me, and I like that it no longer bottoms out over railroad tracks, but the rear end does get a little jumpy over bumps. Something to work on later.

Anyway, here's some pics of what it looks like now. It's going to need some serious TLC, but I'm still excited to have an old friend back.

And yes, I know the air cleaner is filthy. It's on my list.

Also, just for fun, here's a snapshot of me the day we found the car. It was 11 years ago this month. Front tires flat, all four wheels locked, and brake lines reduced to a fine red powder. I was the happiest 15 year old in the world. :P