Flying Valiant Project

nice car whats your plan ??

The plan is this: Nice street car with a beefed up six. Cam, quad carb, headers or Dutra Duals are the menu for the engine. The body will be patched up. Interior is going to be modified and restored. Nothing flashy, just a clean, comfy space. Suspension is pretty much done. I just want to add some sway bars fore and aft to help the car turn corners instead of wallow through them. That's the plan in a nutshell, at least.

Yes sir !! That 64 valiant looks great!!
Are the wheel sbp and how did your dad get it up in the rear ?
You have a nice early A young man, Keep us updated and glad you are here with us.

Thanks, Mike! It's a nice 50 foot car now, but hopefully it'll be a nice 25 foot car by the time I'm done. :P My father, not knowing there were shackles made for these years, had someone weld together some very impressive ones. It's the highest I've ever seen four leaf springs arch. Frankly, I'm a little concerned about this putting too much tension on the spring but it seems to be okay. The front has stock shocks and freshly cranked torsion bars, so it's riding higher there too. It's a good beefy look to replace the soggy boat look it had in '06.

As for the wheels, they're LBP. The front discs were LBP or SBP but the the grease bearing in the middle was too big for the original 13" steelies. Since I didn't want to dismantle the whole thing again later to convert to LBP and I didn't like the limitations SBP wheels had to offer, I made an executive decision to order American Racing Vectors and a '73 Dart rear axle to switch to the LBP. At least now I don't have to remember "righty-loosey" when taking off the driver's side wheels. :P