McCain/Obama tax plans....

We had 8 years of the neocon way and what has that got us? Record defict, flat wages, high inflation, a orgy of wasteful spending by a so called conservitive congress. We pay the most of any country in the world for health care but were ranked low for the quality of it. We have seen the biggest transfer of wealth from the bottom to the top in the history of the world, and do you want more of the same?
I won't even talk about the corruption that goes on in Washington that cost us all money.
The democrats are not much better but I don't think the "conservitives"are the answer either. They had there shot and our country is worse off for it
I usually vote as an independent, and I voted for Mcain in 2000 primary because I liked what he said. I would like to see no one pay any taxes,I would have some money to finish my car.