McCain/Obama tax plans....

That chart also must reflect what Obama is saying NOW. At various times in the past 18 months his incrases have hit at $60,000, $125,000, $150,000, and $200,000 income levels. Maybe they will finally become tax decreases as his poll numbers continue to plummet.

Did you even look at the charts? The tax numbers listed above ARE decreases. His published CUTS are bigger than McCains on 99% of Americans.

As far as him changing his plans:
Sez who? Got any documentation? Quotes from Obama? Published tax plans where the rates have changed?

I know McCain says Obama says that. Color me skeptical.

And that is the major fault in your argument. Tax reductions always INCREASE revenue to the government. They do not decrease it.

You guys like to use infinitives.

Got any supporting evidence? You're pretty good at throwing around the conservative Op/Ed as if it were gospel, but you don't ever (there's my infinitive) back anything up.

Here's a Fact:

McCain says Obama is going to raise taxes on middle class Americans. There is no evidence to support McCain's statement.

Where did McCain get the idea to say that? Did he just make it up?