Can you I.D This Rear end

The part number looks to be 2070742, which makes it a 742 8.75 rear. This same number was used from 59 - 68. As for the ratio, you will need to look for a tag attached under one of the bolts attaching it to the axle housing. If you don't see one, then remove it from the axle housing and the gears will be stamped with the ratio, or should be. To find out what the axle housing is, just messure it and then post the results, someone should be able to ID it by the width. You can also meassure center to center on the spring perches. A-bodies are 43 inches if I remember correctly.

The 742, was supposed to only be on B, C and D bodies, so if this is a A body axle housing, the pumpkin may have been swapped.

My Barracuda was a 7.25 rear from the factory. But I put a 8.75 on it, and then a 742 3.23 suregrip. So that proves that things can happen over 40 years.

69 B5 408 FB