McCain/Obama tax plans....

Your 99% of people getting tax cuts number is also ficticious.

Well, I've got multiple sources and quotes based on published data at the top of this article.

Just look through the transcripts of his speeches over the last 18 months.

I present the published tax plans, you make an accusation that he's changed his mind all over the place, and this is your substantiation. How about if you're going to make an accusation, you provide the evidence.

Are you kidding? Tax reductions resulting in increased revenue to the government is economics 101. You can check out the April 1996 Report "The Reagan Tax Cuts: Lessons for Tax Reform" by the Joint Economic committee of Congress for starters and several studies published in the Journal of Business and Economic Statisitcs..

So, where did you take Econ classes? That wasn't in my textbook. And that statement is far from an open and shut case.

I've read the 1 page 3 footnote article you refer to.

The problem is that the JEC reports are written by politicians and their cronies, not economists.

Here's another, more recent article by the Joint Economic Commission that says the exact opposite.

Got anything better?

Here's something else to chew on. Everyone knows Clinton increased taxes. However, during the Clinton administration, high taxes and all, this country saw the longest streak of sustained economic growth in its history, and he brought government revenues up by 90% at the same time. That's 50% more than Reagan at his peak.

The other thing people forget is that there were tax increases under Reagan, and that while he (Reagan) cut taxes, he also closed a number of loopholes and tax shelters in addition to massively increasing spending, so, like everything else, its more complex that it first appears. At the very least this is a cause for doubt in the constant shouting of "Reagan's tax cuts prove the Laffer Curve!!' by right-wing screeds.

No, there's a spin. His tax plan will indeed make it more expensive for the middle class to live.

That spin is entirely yours. You're saying he means something other than what he actually said.

McCain said ""Sen. Obama will raise your taxes, I won't." Town Hall Meeting, Denver CO, 08/07/08

So, basically, that's an outright lie on McCain's part. This is just one instance, I've got others, and I'm sure you've seen the campaign commercials.