McCain/Obama tax plans....

Bottom line........If Barack Hussein is elected and is able to get Congress on board with his tax plan, it will be the largest tax increase across the board in the history of the USA.......there is little debate here when all the factors are viewed.

This goes far beyond payroll taxes........Far beyond..........and when he stifles the small business and corporate sectors with the massive tax burden, this nation will be launched into another depression.........only this one will be far worse than the first due to the massive numbers of the American people that rely upon various kinds of Government support to survive.

Argue all you wish...........His tax plan, according to the analysts that have track records in seeing the "handwriting on the wall", will collapse the American economy......which, by the way, is EXACTLY what Osama Bin Ladin stated their ultimate goal was for our nation.

Funny they should find such a useful idiot running for President.