9/11 Remembrance...NEVER Forget

You mean THIS president?
I know I'll never forget 9/11 nor the now 4000+ of our soldiers, not to mention the 10's of thousands of civilians, who have lost their lives in a country that had NOTHING to do with it.

I won't forget our President's Daily Brief from August 6, 2001 entitled "Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US."

I won't forget that our President stonewalled forming a 9/11 Commission for nearly a year before Congress had to pass a law to force him.

I won't forget the disrespect and slandering of the 9/11 WTC widows as they pressed for answers.

I won't forget that the remains of the towers were shipped off to China before forensic analysis could be done.

I won't forget the billions of dollars squandered on death, destruction, and war profiteering in the Middle East that should be spent rebuilding OUR country.

I won't forget that we were once a shining beacon of freedom to the rest of the world, and now are seen as a war mongering, torturing, paranoid police state.

I grieve for ALL who have lost this day, and I'll NEVER FORGET.:angry7:

Well I won't forget being in the Navy saying here we go they are going to ship us over there. I won't forget every one all of the sudden puting flags on there cars and saying "we need to go over there and kick some but" and we did and we are. But now the people have changed there minds and say we should of never went over there. Well they got what they asked for now we just need to get it over with and stay with it till it is done.

It was a sad day. Yes it was. Selfish as it is all I could think of was how I was going to have to leave my wife and new boarn daughter behind. I did not want to go but I had to. Luckly I was in Bahrain a long way from the fighting.