9/11 Remembrance...NEVER Forget

I know I'll never forget 9/11 nor the now 4000+ of our soldiers, not to mention the 10's of thousands of civilians, who have lost their lives in a country that had NOTHING to do with it.

I won't forget our President's Daily Brief from August 6, 2001 entitled "Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US."

I won't forget that our President stonewalled forming a 9/11 Commission for nearly a year before Congress had to pass a law to force him.

I won't forget the disrespect and slandering of the 9/11 WTC widows as they pressed for answers.

I won't forget that the remains of the towers were shipped off to China before forensic analysis could be done.

I won't forget the billions of dollars squandered on death, destruction, and war profiteering in the Middle East that should be spent rebuilding OUR country.

I won't forget that we were once a shining beacon of freedom to the rest of the world, and now are seen as a war mongering, torturing, paranoid police state.

I grieve for ALL who have lost this day, and I'll NEVER FORGET.:angry7:
