McCain/Obama tax plans....

How can high taxes not stifle productivity or inovation? If Big Brother takes your profits, what incentive is there to be productive or innovative?

Interesting theory. See previous post about the Clinton years. "High" taxes, at the same time as the longest growth period in productivity in our nation's history.

Therefore, "high" taxes do not stifle productivity. At least in the ranges Americans have ever paid them.

We kind of had a LOT of growth and productivity and innovation during the 50s also. Know what the top marginal tax rate was then?????


Kennedy cut it to merely 70%.

Argue all you wish...........His tax plan, according to the analysts that have track records in seeing the "handwriting on the wall", will collapse the American economy......which, by the way, is EXACTLY what Osama Bin Ladin stated their ultimate goal was for our nation.

Oh? Analysts? Really? Know any names? Have any sources for this information? Or did you hear it on talk radio and just chose to repeat it in this thread?

For the record:
I'm not in agreement with anyone getting tax cuts right now. I just saw that 51% of Americans believe that Obama's plan is to raise taxes on the middle and lower class, when in fact he's saying just the opposite.
