9/11 Remembrance...NEVER Forget

Leave it to a conspiracy idiot to hijack a memorial.............

Funny how the US has not benefited from a drop of oil in Iraq. Liberal spin and conspiracy theories will never end, but I wish idiocy would.

How can anyone be so dull as to honestly believe President Bush is single handedly responsible for everything they see as "wrong" with this nation??? This is rational?? Good grief......just like a spoiled rebellious kid blames everything on his Mommy and Daddy....Strange how our economy has experienced continual quarterly growth in wartime........for the first time in our history.......I guess his economic policies weren't all bad, huh?

For gosh sakes you guys, Clinton himself sent (not his cronies, HIM) the Chinese Communists our own missile guidance technology as a token of "good will" (good will to a Commie???)...........Now, they can shoot down our communications satellites, and pinpoint our cities.............good move!!

I would think that you'd spend more time with the FACTS than with your theories.

If you don't like the thread, just leave it alone.........and if you don't like America, do the same. I'm so sick of whiners in this country.