Happy Birthday CudaChick!!!!

Wowwwwwwww, what a wonderful surprise you all have for me today!!!!!!!


Thank you all for the well wishes and fabulous photos (well, except for that Speedo billboard guy LMAO <shiver>)! Loved the photoshop thing with my car GreenDart72 -- toooooooo cool!!!!

As far as the plans for today, I had already made up my mind to sleep late, avoid those Ford Maverick parts in the shop like the plague, and sneak off to get a couple serious hours of 9 Ball in (my "other" favorite thing to do heh heh) ... but my beloved invited his parents over for a bbq this afternoon instead.

He redeemed himself with this though :-D

[http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dl...id=m37&satitle=110286855369&category0=&fvi=1]. It's supposed to be here next week -- FINALLY a decent camera woooooooooooooooo! The crowd cheers!!!!

Thanks again everyone!!! Ya'll made my day an extra special one already!!