
I just got a letter from country wide that informed me that one of their own sold my info (ssn,name,address the whole nine yards) well he's a ex employee now, but what in the hell are these people thinking,when they hire them and they can't even speak English. (ever try to talk to them on the phone?)
well they gave me 2 years of credit protection, but I sure that if this asshole
was privy to my info then he knows that they would do that,so all the dickhead has to do is sit on my info then take me to the cleaners so to speak:angry7:
what the hell ever happened to the way it used to be ,if you want to live in AMERICA you had to pass a test and be able to speak English?
hell even at work we have 2 sets of rules posted one in English and one in all the other languages:angry7: