McCain/Obama tax plans....

And what exactly is the current administration doing with the financial markets?

Socialism at it's finest brought to you by the republican party and it's appointed representatives.

They are different from the Dems, how? Other than the groups they try to pander.

Come on......The President and his Administration does not in any way shape or form run the financial markets.....they can have an effect, just like the do nothing Congress, but they don't run it......These poor guys get blamed for everything.

The pandering you mention is a real problem on both sides, and needs to be changed.......but it's changed on a one to one cannot legislate people into submission to what's right......they'll always find a way to go around the stop sign, or take a rolling stop. No different on either side of the aisle.

Socialism is nearly an exact opposite of the basis of a Republic, which the US is......It's not a democracy.......It's a Republic, with a democratic voting process. Socialism dictates what is best for the people, and robs from the rich to give to the poor (to oversimplify it to the extreme).......but it miserably fails in each and every national model throughout history. The Republican party certainly does not represent Socialism. It's philosophy is rather based on the work ethic......that is, if a man does not work, he does not eat.......then the added measure of providing for those who cannot provide for themselves. BUT, it demands work, not handouts.......and hard work is rewarded, not chastised.

The modern Democratic model is Socialism from end to end, and Obama's tax plan brings it clearly into focus. Now mix Black Liberation Theology with Socialist political philosophy, and you have a sure and certain formula for economic and social disaster in the United States.

(Unless he changes his mind again.......He does do that quite regularly........)

I'll say it again.........They want to take your guns, crush your old cars (or sentence them to a trailer), tell you what Doctor to go to and what kind of coverage you'll have, and give control of our military over to the United Nations............just plain facts...........Your kids too, did I fail to mention? You're not smart enough to raise them properly....they want "state" control (Have you read Hillary's book and listened to her speeches on the subject?)......not to mention their overwhelming desire to expunge God from every public arena, and from being mentioned in studies of our nations history. This is Socialism........One small step away from Communism.

If that's what you really want for America, your kids and your grand kids, then go and vote accordingly. Doc