McCain/Obama tax plans....

I know I'm coming to this a little late. I usually don't get into discussions on politics because most people already have their minds made up and don't want to be confused with facts and logic. That said there are a couple of facts that should be noted. 1. The Federal Reserve system (which is not connected to the Federal government) is part of the theft of our countries wealth. They take OUR money and then loan it back to us and make us pay interest. So we're paying for the privilege of using our own money. If you don't believe it look it up yourself. You probably wouldn't believe me. 2. Isn't it funny that our current economy didn't hit the tank until the Dems took over congress in 06? And no I'm not a Republican. Probably closer to Libertarian. okay, that's enough. I'm now going back to enjoying our A bodies! LOL Mike