McCain/Obama tax plans....

Well, again, a Federal bailout is not Socialism....It's surely passing the bill, and it stinks.....and by the way, I don't agree with what they've done're preaching to the choir on that one. But, this Administration's policies did not bring on the housing debacle. Greed brought on the problem, as it also drives up the price of oil, along with fear (speculation).

As for the comments on God and the Government teaching them about it, what I said has nothing at all to do with your contention. No one in Gov't is doing any such thing to my knowledge.

However, you cannot teach our nations history and leave God out of it, unless of course you "revise" it, as I previously alluded to........which is exactly what the Democratic Socialists are doing to our textbooks. This is simply wrong. You can't change history just because you don't happen to believe in a deity. If it's a historical fact, it should be taught exactly as it happened. The words and beliefs of the founding fathers should be quoted and portrayed exactly as they were spoken and penned, nothing edited or expunged. Period. We exist because of what they believed and stood for. We exist due to their undying dedication to those beliefs and principles, and we are free today because of the same.

It has nothing to do with whether or not you or anyone else believes in God. It has to do with the truth versus a lie. You cannot change historical fact.....but the Socialists will not rest until they accomplish just that. Our ivy league schools, our courts and government systems are replete with students of Marxism, and followers of various points of his philosophies.

.........and yes, you should read up more on those "facts" I mentioned. Just read a few of their books, and look at some of the legislation they have already tried to impose, and you'll be quite amazed.

It's been long contended (by the Socialists) that our military, in keeping with the new order and the global community, should be under the command of the United Nations......they see the US as-is as an "isolationist" regime, and unfruitful....thus their lack of overall patriotism....patriotism is isolationism.

Al Gore and others have already tried and failed in passing legislation that would have eliminated all older cars (polluters) by crushing or removal from our highways. Hillary Clinton has advocated parental loss of rights pertaining to your child's education and other words, the Gov't knows best. For years and years they have introduced legislation to take away our second amendment rights, and are currently, under the guise of the "Fairness Doctrine", attempting to limit the exercise of unfettered free speech over the airwaves (and by cable).

All it takes is a little reading.

Who do you suppose took away your rights to know if your child is receiving birth control at school, or God forbid having an abortion without your knowledge or approval? From some responses, I understand that when someone dictates something for your kids, it frosts you.........Well, they already do dictate far more than they should have the power to do.......and if "change" runs it's course, they'll be dictating a LOT more.

It's strange how that so many things mentioned in this thread are shared feelings.......I hate the corrupt nature of the political machines in America, just like you......but we're not talking about a good President versus a bad one in this election.........we're talking about the survival of America as we know it.

I live in a Homeowners Association park (HOA) in Florida. For those of you who know what I'm talking about, believe me, you give up Constitutional rights to live here. There are things I can no longer do or enjoy because of the "rules" I've agreed to abide by in living here.....and now, I have to abide by the future rules of the "majority" as well, or face litigation and bankruptcy or foreclosure. There are forces in this nation that have been whittling away at your Constitutional rights for decades.....some will stop at nothing to achieve an America run by purely Socialist values....and they have endless supplies of money to fight in the courts to achieve their goals....and that's how the HOA's maintain their power fear of litigation....just like the American Socialists (that's actually a misnomer).

The problem is that this country was not founded on Socialism or it's twisted philosophies. Other countries like Russia, Red China, Venezuela, Cuba etc. are Socialist in nature, run by an elite few who love absolute control, "for the good of society". This is what they want for America.....and they'll whittle away our rights, little by little, until one day we wake up to a Socialist nation.

As I said before...........If that's what you desire, vote accordingly.