Music Builds Tour

Jars of Clay and Third Day are big Christian bands. Both have had some cross over success. I'd classify Third Day as Southern Rock, Christaian style. Jars of Clay, hmmm, not really folk, I guess I'd classify them as Alternative Rock, Christian style. Switchfoot is more or less Alternative Rock, but not really Christian, in that their lyrics are not Christian, but positive, maybe a little like Collective Soul, but more mainstream. They've had a big hit lately, "This is Home", it's from the movie soundtrack for Prince Caspian, The Chronicles of Narnia 2. Robert Randolph is a black fella who plays a wicked steel guitar. I had never heard of him before, but we loved it! His music is bluesy, rock, funk style.

My bosses kid who go's to church every sunday along with her friends who all attend point loma university listen to them and say there christian & are very popular with the religious crowd. I've heard an interview of them on the radio confirming this and personally think thats great they said it, and for all those fairweather's who quit listening because they said they believed in god.... have another banana.