McCain/Obama tax plans....

Pastortom sparked a comment due from my small mind.
Think about this. If you are going to herd a bunch of turkeys, you would probably do a study on the behavior of those tukeys so as to be able to control that line of creature. Don't think for one minute the government hasn't done that very thing on us turkeys. No Democrats, republican, or liberal or what ever you call yourself. We are all turkeys and we ARE being contolled. Some more than others. Some candidates would like nothing more than to give us all we want and demand from them and in doing so all of our desires to be self supporting will be gone and then guess what. As your sucking on the government tit they come up with some off the wall proposal that they need you vote on. You say no way. They say no more tit. You've done away with you self supporting back bone and you vote their way. Huuuum !!! Sorta sounds like a scenario in Washington. Vote my way and you will have support for life. Screw those leaches out there in your home town. They'll follow along when you cut em off. WOW !!Did i say that? I'll have to start reading the label on that bottle.............
Taxes? I had a fellow tell me his father had a remedy for the tax issue in america. All would be fair. The sears and roebuck catalogue would once again would no longer be looked upon as junk mail. Put $.10 tax on each roll of toilet paper sold. Problem solved. Wouldn't work in the middle east as i under stand they eat with .....which hand?