Palin - McCain

I seemed to be out numbered here but I cannot vote republican this time around. A lot of what I hear is palin is hot, really thats enough for you. SUre shes a milf gonna be a gilf but that in itself does not do it for me. How many of us have met some chick, hooked up and after a few weeks (if lucky) realized "man this chick is crazy" I know I have fallen for hot ones before and the reality is they were all CRAZY.

I think what the president should be is a community organizer. Someone that surrounds himself with good people and helps them help us. Someone to oversee everything. I am voting for obama this time around. I am not buying into the bs about him being anti-American. He is not the anti-Christ either.

One more thing I am not always proud of my country, we have had a bad past and looking like a bad future. If you hear something about a person before you make a decision research it. I know it's more work and read'n but make an informed choice.

by the way he is not taking our guns away, no one is taking them away.

thanks for reading

Not proud of your country.....Have you ever lived in another country....?? believe in another country for a few years and went you get back to the good old USA you will kiss the ground and never complaint again...