lets see old pics of your mopars

a few of mine from the past

My 1st car picture probably taken in 75

traded the 67 Cuda even for the runner and I kept my cragers
was a 383 4 speed car but had a 440 auto when I got it. Drove this my senior year in HS

Slant 6 3 speed on floor, bought just before graduation HS, had it and RR at same time

Bought this and 1 1/2 weeks after buying it a guy turned in front of me and I hit him. Damaged the left front fender. Sold it to a guy that had bought a 70 Challeneger from me and 3 weeks later totaled then wanted my Cuda


My 1st NEW car, order with all the options list $6,900 got it in May of 77


Bought in 78, seen while riding my 750 Honda, turned around and followed the guy home to check it out


Bought in 79 for $850 and wish I had not sold it, sold it in 86 or 87 for $1,750


My dart when I bought it in 93







