McCain/Obama tax plans....

Keep your eye on that small green tree in front of you as the forest burns to the ground around you.

Today in the market is only the beginning, IMHO. Dow is already down 20+% with a bunch more to go.

Who is supposed to pay for all this stuff. The GOVT needs to stop spending money NOW!
In the bunch of guys we have here you should never assume you are the only one paying attention or that you are the only one who has things figured out. You will almost always be wrong. I know they need to stop spending money. They also need to take an 80% pay cut, they are civil servents, not kings. Most of all they all need to study the Constitution and the words of those who wrote and signed it. Almost everything Congress does these days is beyond their legal, Constitutional authority, like taxing our wages. I addressed only one topic because it was a direct response to a statement.