Temp and Gas gauge repair

That's a good point. I hadn't noticed that the heat sink is above the regulator in that picture. It's certainly not obvious in the pictures on the EVBC. The regulator should be flat on the circuit board and the heat sink should sit on top of the mounting pad. The heat sink is designed to be used with that chip, the mod on top is just to fit the big screw that goes into the circuit board. It's not worthless even flipped. Heat will be dissipated, just not as well as if it is the other way round.

RedFish, it's nice that you've designed such a nice unit. But, it's kind of like Obama attacking Palin. Your unit is 6x the cost of the DIY. It should be better. I have no doubt it is. Plug and play is a great thing. It's 50/50 as to whether I would have gone that route when I installed mine. Having said that, some people are Sony people, some people are Heathkit people. Either unit will work, possibly longer than the gauges. It just depends on what you want. You must like tinkering or you wouldn't have made one yourself. :-D