Obama - Biden

I'm surprised no one has mentioned that McCain while still married to his first wife Carol was chasing his second wife around the country in 1979 and married her in 1980. His first wife was disfigured in a car accident in 1969 while he was in Vietnam. She was in a hospital for six months and today her body is still held together with screws and plates. Ross Perot was the one who paid her medical bills. I didn't like it when Clinton lied and was chasing pussy while married and I don't like the fact McCain was too. Interestring that no one brings the issue up. When it comes to morals it's obvious no party has a lock on righteousness and just because he was in Nam doesn't make it right. Oh, I forgot his wife is 18 years younger, looks good and from some of the comments his VP is a hot babe, great reason to vote for him.

For the record, as it stands now I'm not supporting either candidate.
No one brings it up because it is no secret. He talked about it at great length in his book "Faith of Our Fathers" and took full responsibility for his despicable and immature actions. Not really comparable to Clinton in any way. He still thinks he did nothing wrong.