HEMIs aint good???

Well, this guy'z pencil should be taken away...He didn't like tha Mopars, an plainly said they wuz quicker than tha GM carz, an Ford wuz a waste ov time!!!!!!!...I bet he rode a Jackass!!!...Bet dat wuz cute, a Jackass wit a pencil, ride'in one witout a pencil!!!....

I've owned, or driven damm neer ever Mopar ever built, wit tha exception ov a superbird, and Believe me, Moparz had thier share ov problemz, BUT HOW MANY PERFORMANCE CARS DIDN'T??...U want luxzury interior, skip tha performance Mopar...U want carefree wire'in, wire it yaself!!...Tha HEMI's were fun to drive, and had tha torque that nun other had...I never seen wher a 440 wuz badder than tha hemi, unless they both had E-70 tarz, then tha 440's tarz would last 2 passes, instead ov tha Hemi's ONE!!....I have never personally bought a HEMI car new, juss couldn't afford them!!...Hell, to be honest, I never bought a NEW muscle car!!...I placed the Hemi az the Ultimate Hotrod, and settled for tha (to me) second bess...340 A-bodies!!...

Juss seemz this guy don't have any reeders, so He had to do a good story to git sum reeders...It worked........All excepth the "Good Story" part......My Opinion, He'z full'a ****!!!...REX