Stolen Rig And Race Car!!

That is why so many people are deciding that one of the reletaively inexpensive real-time GPS tracking devices and monthly service is a very good idea. With most of them you can go online and by drawing a box on the map you can establish a base area. If your vehicle (or whatever you are tracking, the units are very small) leaves that area you are notified. All you do then is go online and see where it is and watch as it travels. With a wireless laptop you can even track, follow, and close in on them yourself as well as being able to give the police real-time instructions. The route of travel is also recorded so even if you miss the alert call you can go online and see exactly where they went and how they got there. The units are so small that you can hide them anywhere and make them VERY HARD to find, even if they have tools and hours. Some are so small that you can even clip them into your child's clothing. Technology is a wonderful thing.