Stolen Rig And Race Car!!

I know a guy who has a Yellow single cab GTXtreme with a matching yellow trailer behind it with 4 ATVs on it. He and his 12 year old son stop off the interstate at a cracker barrel on their way back from a weekend trip to south GA to ride ATVs. right after they got inside a couple of south atlanta thieves stole his truck and trailer.
they found his truck in downtown ATL with a destroyed steering column, they did him the courtesy of cleaning out all of his, his son's, and his girlfriend's posessions from the truck. They also disappeared his trailer and all 4 ATVs.
he got his truck back though. His insurance told him they wouldn't pay for his trailer or anything on his trailer because it wasn't separately insured. They paid for one of his son's ATVs because they told them it was in the back of the truck and that it was a lawn tractor.


and as previously stated, jam a screwdriver up behind the door handle, it not only unlocks the door, but unlocking the door disables the alarm.