Monster Mopar Weekend ?

If you weren't there you missed a very good time and the chance to meet a bunch of Mopar freaks. Great food, cold beer and a lot of good clean fun. I was giving lessons to Memike and Vic on how to haggle with the guy that had what you wanted at the swap meet. Ask Mike about the valve cover lesson. Some people don't know what their stuff is worth. That's good for me. I have a ball haggling with those guys. I know a bunch of em from years past. Several guys signed the trailer but some didn't. Today Jeffloc and cuda340 came buy before we left and ate some buffalo wings with us and chated awhile which was a lot of fun. These guys are just a lot of common Joes and great to talk with as i'm sure the rest of you are. I think we have Mike hooked on both MMW and Cabo. He stayed pretty close to that cooler. Ray and Sandy came by and brought some of the best Deer burgers on the face of this planet. Those were good. Vics lady brought some of her home made chow chow and with all of that put together......we had people wishing they were in our bunch. Lycandart and his wife helped us make some of that food disappear and sat and talked for a spell also. Left St Louis at 2:30 pm and got home at 6:30. Did some good deals in prep for the 451 sroker motor. Vic and i are building one each. Leanna will have some work coming. Great to be home but can't wait till next year. Great people running that operation also. Vic and i have a chevy buddy that went with us this weekend and before the weekend was over he had already decided which mopar he would get......when he gets one. I had to laugh when we sat for a while and watched the cars go down the 1/4. He couldn't believe it. This stuff is addicting. We did ya right FABO. Great to be home and on FABO.