Video Obama does not want you to see.

Probably need to take a good look at Palin. The odds of McCain (who has already lived longer than the average life span) making it to the end of a four year term are pretty slim. After all, the president has the most stressful job in the world. The other thing to consider is that in his 70's, McCain cannot be as mentally sharp as he once was. It is just natural progression. And as we age, we tend to fondly look at how things were in the past rather than realistically looking to the future.
I was born in the 1940's and retired almost nine years ago. Since Bush has been in office, my expenses have tripled and my income is flat. My investments have lost nearly 30%. I am not ready to have a third term of the same policies. If McCain wins, I am afraid that we will all need religion and guns. We will have to pray for a good shot to put food on the table.
Having said all of this, I strongly believe and support our democratic process. If McCain gets elected, I won't like it, but I will support him.