Looking to trade if the right car comes along.!!!

Hey guys, Maybe you three should check your attitudes at the door. This is a new member that is just trying to trade a car for another car, and he just makes a comment that he has done trades befor, and doesn't want to get burned again. You three are looking like a bunch of :bootysha:'s

67cornetman has learned his lesson, and now knows he can't take things for granted, and has to look over cars carfully befor a trade is done. That should be without saying. If you agree to a trade, and find problems down the road...too bad...so sad. He just doesn't want to be in the same situation is all.

67cornetman, how much do you want for it? there is one 67 on craigslist washington for $3000 runs and drives BB. pretty much rust free, and another one for $3000 318 needs work. I have noticed a huge drop in mopars lately, I don't think anyone would trade you for a well built dart or demon. They are worth more...at least in this market... But you should put a price..you may just walk away with cash. and if you sell it for cash...two weeks later you won't have cash that needs a buch of work ;)

as for the other three posters. back off the guy


i was just "lol" at how every one was acting like little kids , and i could not even tell why . so b4 you point fingers at people , so maybe you should check your at the door . my god didnt know lol was the same as beating people you . ill try that next time , when fist are flying.