Resto project from downunder

Here's the 2nd installment of the project. I had the car stripped to a rolling shell by Sunday a/noon, 6 1/2 hours to do the disassembly - just shows what practice can do ........ don't leave an unattended Valiant near me for too long :twisted: .

Stripping the car was a revelation, I just couldn't get over how good it was. Although we've had the car for a few years I'd never looked closely at it until recently. I only bought it because it was cheap and the owner was desperate to get rid of it. He'd had it advertised in the local paper for $1000 and got no serious interest. I told him I'd give him $500 for it and a day later he rang me up to come and get it. Didn't even realise until I got it home that it was an A81 car. Hans, the bodyman who's working on it reckons it's one of the best bodies he's ever seen on a car of this age.

It only had rust in 4 small areas, a hole 5mm in diameter on one side of the panel between the rear window and the boot, a 25mm hole in the spare wheel recess, minor rust holes under the fuel filler spout in the boot and VERY minor rust in the lower l/r quarter. Plenum, base of the A pillar, sill fronts and front & rear windscreen surrounds were in absolutely perfect condition - still covered in the factory paint!!

Here are the photos of the stripped shell on Sunday a/noon before the body work commenced ....

With the engine at this stage all I plan to do is repaint it (can anyone tell me the original colour for the rocker cover on a D223A engine???) replace the water pump, give it a service and see how it goes.

Here's and interesting detail, the chalk marks under the dash, it was marked on both sides of the dash with the chalk marks on the passenger side looking like they'd just been done yesterday. The marks are 3M3 A81, it's interesting to see that the A81 option was written there.

I hope to post an update tonight showing the progress made already on the body as all the rust has been done and one rear 1/4 smoothed out already.