Resto project from downunder

Hans has been working on the car for nearly a week now and has made considerable progress, the only panels remaining to be prepared are the guards and the boot lid!

The section between the rear wheel opening and the door on the passengers side took a lot of work to get right as it had been hit there previously and very poorly repaired, so it took most of a day to get it just right and it now only has a VERY thin skim of filler on it.

Both doors have been finished, the drivers door was a replacement that had been fitted at some time during the cars life and needed a fair bit of work to get perfectly straight. I'd guess that the accident that necessitated replacing the door was when the bottom hinge and corresponding section of the A pillar was bent. When it was previously repaired they hadn't bothered to straighten the A pillar, instead they'd just spaced out the hinge with washers to get the door to align properly. That's all been fixed now and the A pillar is as it should be.

This is the drivers door part way through finishing ...

Finished passenger door ..

L/H 1/4 panel nearly finished ...

Finished L/R 1/4 ...

It took a few goes with degreaser and the pressure cleaner before the engine was ready for painting. Something to note when you have an engine out is to change the core plugs at the same time. They only cost a few $$ and its easy as to do them when the engine is out. I nearly didn"t touch them as they looked absolutely perfect from the outside, as bright and shiny as the day they were fitted. As I had plenty of spare new one, I though what the hell and knocked them out. Very fortunate I did as on close examination one had pin holed through and the others showed considerable erosion from the inside.

The engine freshly cleaned and ready for paint ...

Etch primed ...

Finished, the rocker cover will be metallic silver which appears to be the correct colour for D223A engines.