Resto project from downunder

Been a little break in posting update photos as I've been flat out with work and haven't had the time to resize and upload photos.

The following photos were taken on Saturday morning just after the base coat was applied to the body shell, all the hanging panels will be painted separately. 3 coats of Sterling (Mercury) Silver basecoat over 2 coats of 2 pak primer.

Here are most of the other panels just waiting to be dry-sanded with 320 grit the wet-sanded with 800 grit before being basecoated.

The 2 pak clear coat was applied on Saturday a/noon (3 coats), however we weren't happy with the results on the 1/4's due to issues with the spray gun, so it was all rubbed back again yesterday and resprayed using a new gun. I'll post photos of the finished shell as soon as it comes out of the booth.