Resto project from downunder

ImageShack is working again so here goes the rest to bring the project up to date....

IT'S FINISHED!!!!!!!!!! :-D :-D :-D :-D

4 weeks from start to finish for all the bodywork and painting. We hung all the panels today, so it's only the long tedious job of cleaning, detailing and re assembly to go now. Realistically we'll be very happy if the car is registered by December, given the amount of spare time I'll have for the rest of the year. Will be ordering a vinyl roof and hood lining from Year One in the US in the next few weeks and also track down some original seat vinyl from the US too.

I want to drop the K frame, detail it and rebuilt the front suspension before the motor goes back in.

I'm VERY pleased with the finished product all that I still need to do is block the doors, guards and boot lid with 2000 wet & dry, then buff it and finally polish it.