OMG, the secret is out!

you said a mouthful Ramcharger! :cheers: The electricity comes from somewhere, usually coal-fired power plants. I've always thought that the electric vehicles would edge out the hydrogen vehicles due to infrastructure cost. Everyone already has electricity at their house. Now if you were to put in a solar panel array on your house to charge your car that would be different. put these guys on the roof and sell the power back to the power company when not in use. Reduced consumption of electricity from coal means that you not only get power for "free" ( after the system is paid for ) but you put your excess power back onto the grid so the power plant has to produce less power. Now THAT is green thinking...
The solar and battery technology is available already..the key will be making them cost effective..

Now on to the cars. I think the mini-van thing is OK but I use mine for 2000 mile trips a couple of times a year, so maybe I'm not in the market for one of those BUT, my commute of 5 miles one way to work (that takes me 35 minutes some days :( ) would be perfect for an electric jeep. They already have electric power steering pumps, A/C compressors, and an electric heater core to keep the people warm.....I know my ideas aren't perfect, but if I can think up some of this stuff, then the engineers can surely do some amazing things...

Vroom Vroom chrysler! not wooobAHH wooobAHH :lol: