OMG, the secret is out!

0-60 in under 5 seconds doesn't sound like any kids toy that i'm aware of.

I forsee a bigger problem though, and that's how you would keep an electric car heated without killing the batteries. The instant torque would be hell in the snow too, but I imagine that there would be some sort of electronic traction control availible.

Here's another problem. What happens when everyone plugs these suckers in to recharge them? Rolling blackouts? Solar panels on the garage or house to recharge would work in the Southwest except most people are at work during the daylight hours. How much would it cost to recharge these every night? $50 a month? $100? $200? The power plant has to use more coal to provide the power to charge these things so they're not truly "zero emissions" as the greenies would imply.

I've got a 12 mile round trip to work and back and maybe 15 miles if i run some errands. I presently spend about $100 or so a month in fuel, including weekend errands and cruising around. I want to see some hard numbers regarding electric bill charges before I would consider one. I want to know how much the battery packs cost to replace and what their projected life span is too.

No one wants to see hard #s more than I. If you think $100/month for gas is bad, I am almost doing that per week. Damn Ram! :toothy10: