Taxpayers, go F yourself, basically.

I hate it as much as you guys do, but they have to do something to get all of the bad debt off the books of these major players or our economy is going to come to a halt.........

If that happens, it will only be a month or so before our supply chains are upset......if you think gas prices are sky high now, you DON'T want to see them if they don't cover this bad debt..........

It's the lesser of 2 evils..........Widespread anarchy and chaos is the joke.

Believe what you won't matter what you believed when it all comes crashing down. It already HAPPENED when my Mom was young........the stage is set for it to happen again.

This is a "perfect storm" approaching.........Our coastal refineries have drastically cut production due to Hurricane Ike, our gasoline supplies are running out already in the southeast, our lending institutions have all but frozen new lending (especially to the corporate sector and small business, and for homes), and our major investment banks and insurance carriers are beginning to fall like dominoes, while our 401K's and retirement funds backed by the stock market are being wiped will be wiped out, and tax revenues also as a result....hyper inflation is a real possibility.....your dollars won't help in that situation.

This happened in Mexico a while back.......a bank bag full of peso's couldn't buy a stinking slice of bread. It happened here in 29........It can happen again if Congress doesn't get off it's lazy $%# and DO THIS.......If not, it's all coming down in a matter of weeks.

Call me "Pastor Doom" if you want, but someone's gotta blow the %$#$ trumpet..... (and Lord, please pardon my "bleeps").

If you guys believe in prayer, now is the time.